Development of 3 years Strategic Plan Gaza Urban & Peri-Urban Agriculture Platform GUPAP 2017-2019

The Project 'Facilitating development of Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture in the Gaza Strip for the local market' is funded by the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), and implemented by Oxfam and RUAF Foundation.

 The Project is collaborating with the Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network (PNGO) as an NGO's network, in the co-hosting and enhancement of the Gaza Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture Platform (GUPAP). PNGO co-hosts and co-facilitates GUPAP's meetings and activities in coordination with Oxfam, building capacity of its members and building GUPAP's institutional framework through development of a 3-year strategic development plan.


LOCATION : Gaza Strip

STATUS : Done Finished in:2016

BUDGET : 5500




  1. Conduct a participatory institutional assessment of GUPAP and its members, including institutional development needs, and resources, knowledge and experience available.
  2. Design an institutional framework, a ToR and legalization process for GUPAP as an independent national entity.
  3. Prepare a strategic plan for GUPAP based on the agreed institutional framework and on available resources at both institutional and community levels.
  4. Develop a 3 year fundraising plan for GUPAP (Concept Paper)

Facilitate the legal registration of GUPAP

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